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From investor and corporate engagement, to top-notch speakers and experts, we curate opportunities tailored to your needs. Whether you’re bootstrapped, venture funded, or need support with raising; we help you scale without taking equity. From idea to exit, we support our members through all stages of their startup journey. Wondering what's inside your computer or how the latest computer technologies work?

Quantum Battery Breakthrough Paves Way For Energy Storage Revolution

Our staff and members create strong relationships to help you give and receive support, build a valuable network and generate business opportunities. A vastly improved search engine helps you find the latest on companies, business leaders, and news more easily. By taking advantage of blockchain technology, digital assets are broadly grouped into fungible and non-fungible tokens .

Huawei Freebuds 4 Bring A Whole New Experience With High

High fuel costs and the recent power crisis give wealthy alternative energy advocates a chance to take over traditional generation companies. The budget has delivered handouts and relief efforts to the territory’s pandemic-weary people. As Covid-19 disrupted screening and treatment, it also revealed the best way to get back on track — by easing access to doctors. Lenovo executive revealed Motorola's new foldable phone Razr 3 will be coming soon. Thermostats glike Nest go a lon way toward helping you use less energy, but the real problem-solvers are people.

Fast Grocery Services Face Backlash From Cities

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Ambitious projects to build virtual worlds and translate languages in real time are unveiled. UK-based co-founder Alexander Trewby picked TechHub to be Divide’s springboard into the London startup ecosystem, giving the company’s very first UK pitch at TechHub’s Demo Night in 2012. The BYOD device management platform subsequently expanded to London and was acquired by Google in 2014. We work to be the most diverse, inclusive and collaborative home for startups worldwide.


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